Sunday 10 April 2022

First Listen Thoughts: PUP - The Unravelling Of PUPTHEBAND

1. Four Chords: Solid enough intro track to the album. Makes perfect sense to lead into the following track but not sure it has much value if not immediately followed by...

2. Totally Fine: The most recent single they released is the most "classic PUP" we seen among singles with their chaotic pop punk sensibilities backed by some heavy guitar tones and the classic emo lyrics we expect from the Toronto four piece.

3. Robot Writes A Love Song: PUP's last full length was called "Morbid Stuff" and on this record that transcends to machines as this track is a dark comedic piece about a machine learning human emotion and wants to die now. Like above this was not a first listen given that they released it as a single earlier this year but if I'm honest it's probably my least favourite of the three singles we got in 2022 from this album.

4. Matilda: The final of the three singles we got this year off this album. Matilda is about a guitar vocalist Stefan got as a gift and played until his band convinced him it was not good enough to be on recorded material. He has moved on but busted Matilda out for this track. It's a boppy tune that is very polished, maybe cause of the guitar used it needed extra care, with a fun sing along chorus.

5. Relentless: I believe this was released near the end of last year but with no video so I didn't check it out. I definitely should've earlier as this is some of the finest lyrics on the album so far which is saying a lot as PUP has high standards lyrically.

6. Four Chords Pt. II: Five Chords: I hate interludes, I'm sure given the part 2 nature it's part of an overarching story but I'll need more listens through to capture to see if this adds anything but I'm guessing we can do without.

7. Waiting: This was released last year and appears to have the most streams as of this writing on Spotify and I can see why. It's heavy, it's all over the place but this is PUP so the chorus is strong and poppy. The hard cuts are super fun as well and add a whole new layer of interest to the song. This may be my personal favourite deep cut thus far, and yes I realize the song with the most streams can't be a deep cut. Shut up.

8. Habits: This song was fun enough but my main complaint is the guitar tone that trails off for the last 30 seconds and fads out before the end of the song so it's not like it was building to the next track. That may keep it from having replayability for me personally outside of the album experience.

9. Cutting Off The Corners: I prefer Transit's "Cutting Corners" personally. This appears to be the required ballad off the album. It does pick up near the end and there is a guitar solo for the bridge that is probably the highlight of the song. I feel this song was the least enjoyable on first listen but could eventually become my favourite track. Time will tell.

10. Grim Reaping: Finally we reached PUP's final form! They end the song with a killer riff and group vocals. This might push Waiting for favourite right now but I think I'll still give it to Waiting.

11. Four Chords Pt. III: Diminishing Returns: UGHHHHHH another interlude. I just figured the last track had a little intro but no this is a 9 second stand alone.

12. PUPTHEBAND Inc. Is Filing For Bankruptcy: As we expected PUP saved the chaotic crescendo for the last track on the album. I don't love the mixing on this track but I love the chaotic energy it brings and I'm sure I'll just start to appreciate it more over time.

Overall: PUP's last full length was my introduction to the band and it ended up making my albums of the year list and if I were to redo it today something tells me it would jump up the ranks. I expect with time this record will be a serious top 10 contender come the end of the year.

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