Wednesday 11 September 2013

What to expect when you're expecting to be reading this blog

So I just thought I'd do a quick little post here on my lunch hour to let you fine folks know what I'll be working on here at Ye Olde Bloge (read: Donny's Blog). This is a list of features i'll be hoping to keep up with on a regular basis.

The List:

Tuesday - Comic Shop Corner:  I'll be previewing the newest books each week for the major publishers (DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Image Comics, IDW Publishing and Dark Horse Comics) as well as spotlighting an independent book either by a lesser publisher (Boom! Studios, Dynamite, Valiant, ect.) or maybe it's just a legit indie book. I was hoping to have the premier post done for yesterday but you know I have other things to do and a meeting tonight so I can't even hope to post it late but know that I have every intention of getting it done so it's ready for publishing on tuesday so you know what to pick up when you go to your local comic book shop on wednesday AKA New Comic Book Day.

Friday - B.O. Preview: I promise I will not keep you informed on what I expect my body to smell like that. Quite the contrary, I'll be previewing the Box Office for the upcoming weekend with recommendations on what you should watch, what you shouldn't watch and what the movie going audience in general plan to go see... It's to be noted more often than not, people are stupid but that's a whole other post. Again, I expect to be busy leading up to friday's deadline so I'll try to preview this weekend's movies on friday, if not well expect a post next week since the majority of the time i'll be writing these posts on one day when I have time and post accordingly on the day specified.

Saturday - Top 10 Countdown: This is a weekly segment where I countdown my own top 10 songs of the week based on my opinion of what is good, and what is not, but it's important to note as a general matter of fact, I'm always right and have better taste than you, so you're welcome in advance. I can tell you this will be posted Saturday as it is already done! **Happy Dance**

I'll also be doing special posts of whatever I see fit really, I'll likely review some stuff, such as albums, movies, TV series, and such. As well as maybe do some Top 10 lists such as "Top 10 songs I take my pants off too" or "Top 10 video games I play pantless" or the ever popular "Top 10 things I do to cause my pants to come off" SPOILER: #6 is eating butterscotch pudding.

So there you have it kids that's what you can look forward to, have a great Wednesday and keep in touch... Hugs and Kisses.

- DonnyFTW

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