Sunday 15 December 2013

Special: Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas

I know! We're less than 2 weeks away from Christmas and you still aren't done your shopping! Isn't it the worst!? But good thing Jolly Ol' Donny Claus is here to save you with this top 10 list. So just sit back and relax since I got the 10 best Christmas gift ideas only 1 click away.

10. Housewares

We all have that one person on our list, living on their own for the first time who's just a little bit lazy... Well good news! You can get them these handy dandy Wind-Up Salt and Pepper Shakers. People never think of the little things when they move out, so save your friend the embarrassment of having a first date ask them to pass the salt and having them pull out a box. With these your friend simply has to wind it up and the salt will walk itself over, this guarantees a score at the end of the date!


9. Drinkware

Now if the people on your list are anything like me, the idea of coasters are a foreign thing. Though after a couple rings on their new furniture they'll change their tune. Though constantly using napkins and paper towels is wasteful, so I personally use my dad's old records... Your Beatles, your Pink Floyd's and others finally have a practical use! But what happens when after a couple ragers your records are in bad shape and the people at the vinyl stores want over $20 for a coaster! We have some nice fake record coasters for you for under $5.


8. Pet Supplies

You have a crazy cat lady on your list do you? Well look no further than #8. Pet lovers rejoice, especially musically inclined pet owners who want their pet to learn an instrument so they can make a butt load of money. Look at those Chipmunks they are probably getting tail every night! And now your friend's cat can too with this DJ Scratching area. Watch the incredible transformation as Mr. Buttons turns himself into MC Buttons!


7. Stationary

Stationary is an underrated but extremely useful gift to get for Christmas. Sure most kids aren't lining up outside Staples to get the new hottest HB Pencils on the market but as an adult you need those pencils... Whether it's for tax purposes, your work or pleasure you need writing utensils. But what do you do after you write on paper? You don't just leave it unsecured, no, your crazy aunt might come over and open a window ruining your hard work. The safe bet is to place this handy paperweight down. It's incredibly stylish for the Facebook lover and the explosion enthusiast you're shopping for. So don't hesitate and click the link so you can drop this f-bomb down on your loose pages today.


6. Medication

This time of year everyone could use some Halls or Fisherman's Friend in their stocking. But for that extra special person, the extra mile might be needed, especially if this person suffers from unlucky-itis. It's a strange virus and no one quite knows how they got it, but for those that are down on their luck they need an extra pick me up around the holidays. Not everyone can have an Irish girlfriend like me, so when your significant other fails to bring you lucky charms, you have this handy herbal treatment to turn that frown upside down. That's right it's a 4 leaf clover which is GUARANTEED to bring you instant luck (I nay be using guaranteed a bit frivolously).


5. Musical Instruments

Though there are thousands of different hobbies one can have, the most common one is a love for music, now although there are different directions to take this hobby, the most common and accepted form is to make music yourself on an instrument of you choice... And what better instrument to get then a personally customized ukulele! Make sure that all your friends are the best looking folks to ever strum one of these under-appreciated string instruments. Though that's not saying much since they are usually played by fat Hawaiians


4. Gadgets

We all have that one friend... You know the one super nerdy, super weird, loves to talk about all things Star Wars all the while you ponder in your head how they will ever find someone that shares their passion. Well the wait is over, you no longer have to pay someone to hang out with them, nosireebob. You can give them their own personal friend for a fraction of the cost, and you know the best part? It's R2-D2 of Star Wars fame! That's right this little droid is ready to roam around your house aimlessly and best of all it responds to voice commands! Just don't allow them to turn it into a semen disposal unit.


3. Men's Fashion

We all have our suspicions, and I'm a big supporter of getting peace of mind and there is no better way to do that than by asking the questions that need to be asked. Your boyfriend/husband has been out late a couple nights in a row and now you're thinking he's cheating. Sure you can just ASK him but are you gonna believe that sorry sack of shit? Not likely, good thing we have these lie detecting cuff links made in New Jersey from sterling silver (real selling point) to ensure you get all your questions answered honestly without him even knowing.


2. Electronics

Stop me if you've been here before... You are scuba diving when all of a sudden you get an important e-mail. You'd love to just take your iPad into the water to check it but your wife will kill you if you break another one... Well rest easy there is now waterproof cases for your iPad. Good for every occasion whether you're swimming and gaming or showering while net surfing this is the perfect gift for people who just can't get enough of their iPad!


1. Real Estate

Now I know what you're thinking... Woah woah Donny, I'm not Scrooge McDuck. I can't afford to buy someone property for Christmas! And although understandable reasoning what if I told you I could get you an acre of property for under $30... What's the catch right? No catch. Best of all this acre is in an untapped area that is sure to be booming in the next few years... That's right THE MOON! For the low price of $29.99 you can get all your loved ones an acre on the moon!


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