Wednesday 24 July 2019

Special: Spider-Man: Far From Home, The Dead Don't Die, Triple Frontier Mini-Reviews

Spider-Man: Far From Home:

Synopsis: Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter's plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!

My thoughts: This was on par with Homecoming even if it's main plot device was seen coming from a mile away. What I will say is Marvel (or maybe it was Sony) upped the post-credits scenes (yes both) in a big way so make sure you stay through all the credits. The action was great, the writing was tight and a bit unpredictable even though you'd expect it to be pretty predictable given the info we got in Endgame and in the trailer.

Final verdict: 5 Peter tingles out of 5.

The Dead Don't Die:

Synopsis: In the sleepy small town of Centerville, something is not quite right. The moon hangs large and low in the sky, the hours of daylight are becoming unpredictable, and animals are beginning to exhibit unusual behaviors. News reports are scary, and scientists are concerned, but no one foresees the strangest and most dangerous repercussion that will soon start plaguing Centerville: the dead rise from their graves and feast on the living, and the citizens must battle to survive.

My thoughts: I was really hoping to like this a lot more but this movie is more fine then anything which is a disappointment given it's strong cast of character actors but at the very least it is charming and has some funny moments even though it borders on more quirky funny than laugh out loud funny. It's a decent enough watch just lower expectations going in.

Final verdict: 3 Iggy Pop typecasts out of 5.

Triple Frontier:

Synopsis: A group of former Special Forces operatives (Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund and Pedro Pascal) reunite to plan a heist in a sparsely populated multi-border zone of South America. For the first time in their prestigious careers these unsung heroes undertake this dangerous mission for self instead of country. But when events take an unexpected turn and threaten to spiral out of control, their skills, their loyalties and their morals are pushed to a breaking point in an epic battle for survival.

My thoughts: This was a strong film in most aspects but it suffered from an uneven narrative which wasted the strong casts abilities and their action sensibilities as well as those that the script, stunt coordinators and director mapped out.

Final verdict: 3 drug raids out of 5.

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