Sunday 21 February 2016

Special: Check In On Batman And Robin Eternal (#16 - #20)

Hey everyone we've arrived at our penultimate post on DC's weekly series, Batman And Robin Eternal. We'll be back with the finale at some point in April but for now if you need to catch up you can find write-ups on issues 1 - 5 HERE, 6 - 10 HERE and 11 - 15 HERE.

Issue #16 kicks off with a flashback to the battle a young Dick Grayson and Batman face with Scarecrow. Dick as Robin saves the day and Batman leaves him to finish taking Scarecrow in so he can conclude his business with Mother. We then get reacquainted with Tim and Jason who were captured by the Master of St. Dumas, the master explains how he was able to perfect the super soldier mix by avoiding all the unnecessary steps Mother/Crane's toxin required, worst of all Jason is currently undergoing that treatment. Azrael breaks free and is able to disconnect the master giving Tim enough time to pull Jason from the memory of his death at the hands of The Joker.

We then get to Dick and Helena in current day at Spyral HQ where they are trying to get some answers out of Orphan. Helena wants to know how deep Mother's agents are in Spyral and Dick wants the answers about Batman's past with Mother. It's then we flashback to Batman and Mother in the past, Batman seemingly killing the parents of one child who has been chosen as Mother's next project. When she arrives she mentions this child isn't going to be the next Robin, it was just a test, then they realise the parents aren't actually dead so Orphan and Batman go at it, Before Batman blows the place up. Unfortunately Mother and Orphan are still capable of fighting and despite Batman seemingly defeating Orphan, Mother uses the child as bait as she threatens to kill him if Batman does not stop the fight. Batman is then over powered by Orphan and left with Mother's orders to have him killed. Back to present day Harper breaks into Spyral HQ to have a talk with Orphan herself, turns out that Orphan has plenty of info for Harper about what her "friend" Cassandra was sent to Gotham to do. The issue ends with Jason and Tim arriving at HQ with the much needed info for Dick.

Picking up in the past, Orphan and Batman continue fighting and Batman does eventually win, he's speaking with Mother about who was targeted to be the next Robin and she shows him a video feed of 2 small time criminals, we then cut back to present time where Orphan informs Harper that it was Cassandra that was sent to kill her parents so she can become the new Robin, she of course only killed her Mother since that's when she went off the grid but the sting of knowing her new friend killed her mother and worst of all Batman knew about it and didn't do anything about it stung. Back in the past the Egyptian police storm the building and the kid rats Batman out as the one who killed everyone so he's forced to flee without Mother. Back at HQ the Robin's discover the virus is going to be used in schools to get kids to bend to Mother's will, and of course Spyral HQ is a school so it hits there first. Tim and Cassandra are safe in a soundproof room but with Harper wandering off, her status is not so certain.

As it turns out the room was not very soundproof at all so Cassandra and Tim started attacking Dick and Helena. Luckily Doctor Netz was in the same roof and discovered Scarecrow's fear gas formula in Tim's info which reverses Mother's voice, unfortunately it also comes with the downside of the fear images, although diluted. Jason finds Harper who accidentally broke Orphan and his associate out while trying to kill them and soon he meets up with Cassandra and Dick who went to find them. Harper also shows up and Cassandra slaps a crane gas on her, only as it turns out Cassandra is also what Harper fears most! Tim, Helena and Doctor Netz are running to shut down Mother's voice, but first they have to figure out how before Mother uses Spyral's satellite to broaden the scope of her attack.

Finally Jason tries to separate Cassandra and Harper from each other but it doesn't go well. Meanwhile Dick goes toe to toe with Poppy, Orphan's associate while that very same Orphan goes after Helena's team. Tim and Dr. Netz continue ahead and Helena tangles with Orphan. Luckily Tim is able to shut down Mother's transmission before too much harm comes but Poppy and Orphan are able to overload Helena and Dick's hypnos so they are knocked out cold, they grab Harper and Cassandra and run when they awake Helena explains that they have the satellite codes since half were in her hypnos and the other half were in Dick's. The reason for this was the satellite was built so that they can wipe the world's mind of Dick being Nightwing so he can go back to his old life when the time was right. Speaking of right timing issue #20 ends with Damian Wayne showing up at the remains of Spyral HQ to help out.

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