Monday 17 November 2014

Special: DC Comics Films Dream Casting Part 2 - Villains

In the last instalment I touched on potential villains for the Suicide Squad movie and my pick was Black Mask. We also know Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is the villain in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, so I thought it would be fun to run down potential villains for the other announced films, starting with 2017's Wonder Woman...

Wonder Woman (2017):

Right off the bat I want to say Dr. Psycho would be the best choice to be Wonder Woman's first nemesis, he's a deadly telepath which would be the perfect balance to Wonder Woman and her lasso of truth. However I don't believe they go this way. Really depending on what they do with the script comes down to the villain. I think if we are getting an origin story similar to her New 52 origin you can go with either First Born or, more likely, Ares saving First Born for a latter movie perhaps starring the Injustice League. If we're not getting an origin and Wonder Woman is already loose in the world, which would make sense since I doubt in Dawn of Justice Bats and Supes go to Amazonia, the perfect villain would be Cheetah. As long as you're doing your first solo super hero film with a female lead, you might as well give her a female arch nemesis at the same time, couple this with WB scouring for female directors to lead the film, this has an opportunity to be the best girl power movement since the Spice Girls broke up.

Cast: Emily Blunt as Cheetah

Justice League (2017):

If you ask anyone who the first villain for the Justice League to face, and presumably come together to face is, you'd get a nearly unanimous Darkseid vote, that being said I don't think Darkseid is the best place to start, similar to what Marvel is doing with Thanos, I think it's best to build up Darkseid's destruction by using Brainiac in the first JL film. Not only is Brainiac an excellent villain, but he's from the cosmic side of the DCU so he can make reference that he needed to escape Planet X to avoid Darkseid and perhaps do a further buildup in Green Lantern (more on that later). I also support Brian Cranston as Brainiac, everyone wanted him to be Lex but I agree they needed to go younger with a younger Superman, however we can have Cranston be Brainiac's deep and intimidating voice in alien make-up/costume just fine.

Cast: Brian Cranston as Brainiac

The Flash (2018):

I think with The Flash, a lot depends on what works with the TV series, I think if they introduce The Rogues or Reverse-Flash/Zoom and they are popular that the film will use them. Another option is to avoid whoever the series uses, for example it may be possible that DC is forbidding The Rogues from forming until after the film was released so although people know the characters they're most likely flock to see them all together in a group taking on Barry... And yes it will be Barry, sorry West fans. I expect this to tie-in with Suicide Squad as one of the rogues will be cast in that film for sure. Not sure about the rest of the cast since I don't know many younger actors which DC is sure to fill the team with since they're going up against a young Ezra Miller as The Flash

Cast: ???? as Mirror Master, ???? as Captain Boomerang, ???? as Weather Wizard, Logan Lerman as Captain Cold.

Aquaman (2018):

Without knowing what happens in Justice League it's hard to know whether Arthur will start off fighting the Justice League or fighting with them to know if the "villain" from Aquaman will be a leaguer or an actual villain. Assuming that they listen to my dream casting Aquaman will be a leaguer from the start and in this solo film he'll return to the ocean to find out his father died and his mother is being held prisoner by Ocean Master, Arthur's brother. With help from the future Black Manta, Aquaman defeats his brother and takes the crown that is rightfully his, but not without Black Manta losing someone he cares for which sets in place Black Manta's future spot in the Injustice League.

Shazam (2019):

We already know The Rock is Black Adam... So let's just move on...

Justice League 2 (2019):

I've talked about the Injustice League, well here's where it comes to fruition headlined by Jared Leto's Joker (rumoured) and Eisenberg's Luthor while also featuring Black Manta (Aquaman), the Suicide Squad Rogue, Lerman as Captain Cold in my perfect world (The Flash), First Born (Wonder Woman), Black Adam (assuming Shazam is included), Deathstroke (Cyborg) and a human Green Lantern enemy, possibly Vandal Savage and he could conceivably start the team,

Cast: Viggo Mortensen as Vandal Savage, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jared Leto as The Joker, The Rock as Black Adam, Logan Lerman as Captain Cold, Sean Bean as Deathstroke, Karl Urban as First Born and Chiwetel Ejiofor as Black Manta.

Cyborg (2020):

Cyborg doesn't have any real archnemesis outside of the Teen/New Titans world, so they could skip comic book lore altogether here, but I hope they don't, as you might have guessed after reading my Justice League 2 casting I'm hoping Deathstroke. It'd be simple enough to do, after being thwarted (presumably) in JL2 Deathstroke, usually a mercenary for hire, can come after Cyborg for ruining his business, or maybe you have someone bigger (Trigon?) pulling the strings only to be discovered in the last scene where Raven shows up and informs Cyborg that her father was behind it, and it's time to get the Titans back together (yeaaaah!)

Cast: Sean Bean as Deathstroke

Green Lantern (2020):

Now this is where I'm torn, if you're doing a Lantern movie it needs to be Sinestro as the villain right? But if we want Darkseid in JL3 we'll want to allude to him in this film. Perhaps Mongul comes looking for a planet for Darkseid to conquer settling on Korugar (Sinestro's homeworld). Sinestro and Hal are forced to team up (Green Lanterns must protect worlds, Sinestro wants to protect his) after Mongul is defeated, Darkseid decides to take revenge by destroying Hal's homeworld Earth as he heads here Hal asks for Sinestro's help and Sinestro declines leading to a sequel along the lines of the Sinestro Corps War and into JL3 where Darkseid finally hits earth. Tough to cast the two villains here since they'll mostly be CGI (especially Darkseid), but I'll try anyway.

Cast: Ron Pearlman as Mongul, Javier Bardem as Darkseid.

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