Sunday 10 May 2015

Special: Top 10 Most Valuable Funko POP!

Those who know me know that I love me some Funko POP's. When I first saw them I thought they were cool but I've never been much of a toy collector so I couldn't justify the money... That all changed when I was in a liquidation store where I saw Hal Jordan sitting on the shelf priced at $5, so I had to buy it, FYI the value as of this writing of that $5 purchase is $24 American! He was my only POP for a couple months until I went to a Comic Con and decided I'd buy a 2nd one... That day Batman was added to my collection of two. A while later my girlfriend was in the states and picked me up a Deadpool and Donatello and she told me how much cheaper they were there and that's when things spiralled out of control and now here I am over the 80 Funko POP mark wondering where I would be had I started collecting right away, maybe I'd have some of the more valuable ones! Speaking of valuable ones, that's the topic of this post. I'm looking at the Top 10 most valuable Funko Pop's, ones that aren't exclusives, variants or limited, these are simply ones that at one time or another were found in any store at any time. Here's hoping I'm lottery bound so I can add some of these to my collection!

10. Misfit Elephant
Line: Holidays
Number: #6
Current Value: $110

I'm fortunate enough to have a few of the Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer POP's but this one unfortunately will elude me until I can come into some money. Since the new year 9 of these beauties were sold on eBay. The low end was $65 the high end was $220 in mid-April. Wanna add him to your collection? There's 2 up on eBay now, one at $220 the other at the steal of $149.95... Looks like this ones value will be increasing even more very soon.

9. Red Skull
Line: Marvel
Number: #7
Current Value: $125

It's surprising this one is valued so high. There appears to be a lot of sellers so clearly there is enough out there but for whatever reason it's consistently commanding over $100. For comparisons sake in April 2015 there were 11 sold on eBay. Still lots for sale though if you don't wanna wait for this one to come back to earth, there's even some around the $120 mark.

8. Purple Haze
Line: Rocks
Number: #1
Current Value: $135

#1's are worth a lot, just ask any comic collector. The surprising part about this Hendrix POP is that as late as January 2015 this was still going in the high double digits but since then it's had a couple big sales ($200 and $225) that cause it's value to shoot up. The good news? There's one up now that is for auction and the current bid is only $56... Get on that Hendrix fans.

7. Loki (Thor Movie)
Line: Marvel
Number: #2
Current Value: $140

This is the first in a couple ties that gets held down by it's low sale in the last 30 days ($93). Believe it or not there is a Loki more valuable than this one... The Avengers movie Loki (#16) is currently going for $640! Unfortunately it was a Comic Con exclusive limited to 480 pieces. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done wonders for Loki, usually an afterthought in the comics Tom Hiddleston made Loki, and his merchandise, value's skyrocket.

6. Shazam!
Line: Heroes
Number #14
Current Value: $140

Since DC was one of the first to license their properties to Funko a lot of their early POP's are valuable especially those that have seen their stock go up since they've been retired and Shazam is the first of many you'll see. It's actually a tie in value but because there is a low sale of $102.50 in the last 30 days it gets the ow end of the tie.

5. Hawkman
Line: Heroes
Number #17
Current Value: $140

Finally the end of the $140 ties, Hawkman's low sale comes in at $115. It's actually been higher the last couple sales which could lead to Hawkman's value climbing, though if a lot of people decide to sell it could cause the opposite to happen since similar to Red Skull a lot of people own Hawkman so we'll have to see how his market plays out but right now it's sitting pretty in the top 5.

4. Greedo
Line: Star Wars
Number: #7
Current Value: $155

Want a valuable POP that you can probably find at your local comic book/toy shop? Greedo is the one for you! Funko has recently released a series of Star Wars POP's from the vault in anticipation of the new Star Wars movie later this year. These "vault editions" however carry different boxes than the original so although you can get a vault edition for $11 the original Greedo remains the holy grail of the Star Wars line though it's possible that with the vault edition Greedo's price can take a dive.

3. Martian Manhunter
Line: Heroes
Number: #18
Current Value: $185

Believe it or not this POP is on the rise... Manhunter's last 10 sales had 5 checking in between $150 and $185 and 4 between $200 and $240. A lot of people are starting to put Manhunter up on eBay but he's not that well owned so it's not likely that we see a market flood happen, it's definitely possible that this becomes the crown jewel of the Heroes line but until that happens the title belongs to...

2. Green Arrow
Line: Heroes
Number: #15
Current Value: $250

Surprisingly this one actually shot up $10 in value since I made this list a couple days ago. Green Arrow is the perfect storm of events. It was a popular enough character to warrant a POP in the early going, got retired because he wasn't THAT popular and then the TV show hit it's stride any everyone wanted the emerald archer... Recently his POP sold for an astonishing $389.95! Manhunter's gotta work!

1. A Clockwork Orange
Line: Classics
Number: #4
Current Value: $2,610

Okay so I cheated here but I wanted to point out the ridiculousness of this piece... Limited to 12 pieces this is far and away the most valuable POP in the world. The 2nd closest is another 12 piece edition, clone trooper Freddy Funko, unfortunately it's value is hard to ascertain since there has only been one sale in September 2014 for $2,025.00

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