Sunday 3 October 2021

Special: First Listen Thoughts: Spiritbox "Eternal Blue", Real Friends "Torn In Two", 3OH!3 "Need"

Spiritbox - Eternal Blue

Label: Rise Records

Press release: Spiritbox have announced details of their highly-anticipated debut album Eternal Blue. The Canadian metal stars will be unleashing their new LP on September 17 via Rise Records, with vocalist Courtney LaPlante sharing, ​“We are very anxious to release our album, it is a body of work we have been accumulating for over two years. Having the recording process put on hold for so long due to the pandemic has made me see that I can never take the experience of tracking an album for granted ever again."

My thoughts: Although most songs were previously released as singles, Eternal Blue is an album that comes together better as a cohesive unit. An eyebrow was raised at the closing tandem of Circle With Me and Constance (both singles) but in the context of the album it works really well. Yellowjacket is quite likely the next Holy Roller. This is just the beginning of a huge career for the band and I'm excited to see what comes next.

Real Friends - Torn In Two

Label: Pure Noise Records

Press release: Real Friends have announced a new EP! Titled Torn In Two, the upcoming EP from Illinois-based pop-punk band features five new songs and five re-workings of said songs, and is scheduled to be released in September this year, via Pure Noise Records. This new EP incorporates a recurring motif of the torn-ness and separation we have recently experienced in our everyday lives, as vocalist Cody Muraro elaborates. “I really liked how we were able to incorporate the Torn In Two theme throughout. The album artwork being people separated. The five main songs on one side and five alternates on the other. I think the past year has left a lot of us feeling torn, scrambling to reconnect with a sense of familiarity.”

My thoughts: I'm not super upset about getting a 5 track EP with 2 versions of each song but I can't help but wonder if this would've worked better with a reimagined EP a few months down the road after we've had time to digest the new output more as all I could really think about after listening to the first half was how much better the actual versions of the songs were vs. the reimagined. It's a shame Spinning is buried in the tracklist as it may end up being my favourite on the record. New vocalist Cody sounds a lot crisper than Dan Lambton, something a lot of fans probably don't like but it works for me and the songwriting is still solid, Dan only really started writing on Composure, and although it's not nearly as good as Composure I like it as much (or more) as their previous releases.

3OH!3 - Need

Label: Photo Finish Records

Press release: Lockdown provided space for Sean Foreman and Nathan Motte to step back and “examine what it is that we do as 3OH!3 and why we do it,” and the result is a forthcoming album appropriately titled NEED, which will drop later this year. “As an artist, you’re never gonna rewrite your old stuff,” says Motte. “This new stuff that we're working on, we're excited about because we feel like it encapsulates all the good about 3OH!3 and that sense of collectivity, fun, and of a party.”

My thoughts: This is a party record front to back. Probably not a good idea to examine the lyrical content (Skid Marks is especially cringe) but I'm So Sad and Last Breath especially are bangers that may be some of the best the Colorado duo have ever released.

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