Sunday 11 July 2021

Special: First Listen Thoughts: Beartooth "Below", Eve 6 "Grim Value", jxdn "Tell Me About Tomorrow"

Beartooth - Below

Label: Red Bull Records

Press release: Coming three years after its predecessor, 2018’s ‘Disease’, ‘Below’ is set to land on June 25 via Red Bull Records. In a press release, Beartooth frontman Caleb Shomo said ‘Below’ is his favourite album the Ohio hardcore outfit have made to date. “It covers the dark side of dealing with mental strain during the last year,” Shomo said. “I gave it all I had – musically and lyrically. Is it too dark? Possibly, but it was as honest as I could be about how I felt. I hope everyone is ready to strap in for a wild ride of head banging and rocking.”

My thoughts: The title-track hits you in the face right off the bat. The singles follow which are solid. Before Fed Up hits which I consider the only real misstep on the record. The middle portion is dark and heavy but never sounds the same. The end track is a very sinister sounding instrumental but just prior to that is probably the best back to back songs that will get forgotten being buried in the tracklist with the pop-melody injected punk sound of I Won't Give Up followed by a pop infused metalcore track in The Answer which the juxtaposition of both those tracks summarize this album as a whole.

Eve 6 - Grim Value EP

Label: Velocity Records

Press release: Just as the Reddit-inflated GameStop stock price was eventually going to fall, there was always going to come a time when Eve 6’s suddenly vigorous social media presence would result in us actually listening to new Eve 6 music. That time has come. After weeks of juicy anecdotes, pithy quips, and sick burns that have turned @Eve6 into one of the most entertaining accounts on Twitter, the self-described “very relevant band” has announced its new EP.

My thoughts: A 5 track sampler from Twitter's newest celebrity past their prime band ahead of a full length they've promised is coming. Angel Of The Supermarket is the highlight where first single Black Nova and closer Good For You are solid but time will tell if it'll be memorable over a long period of time but as long as lead singer Max Collins stays on Twitter, my guess is that they won't be quickly forgotten. Side note: The Heart In A Blender song came on after the album finished.

jxdn - Tell Me About Tomorrow

Label: DTA Records

Press release: jxdn has announced the release of his debut album, ‘Tell Me About Tomorrow’ -  Produced by Travis Barker, the 18-track LP comprises 14 new songs, including a feature from Machine Gun Kelly on the track ‘Wanna Be’. It will be released on July 2 via DTA Records.

My thoughts: jxdn AKA: Jaden Hossler of Tik Tok fame is a name you should be familiar with by now and odds are if you're reading this then you should know at the least by my countdown. jxdn started focusing on music last year and was quickly discovered by Travis Barker who signed him to his newly created label and the duo have been riding high ever since. The debut album is straight heat with the bombastic combination of pop punk and emo rap. 18 tracks seems like a lot but only 4 tracks top the 3 minute mark and none eclipse 3:25. There's also a 10 second intro and 11 second interlude. There are no bad tracks here as my least liked song full song is probably debut single Angels & Demons which just goes to show the strength front to back. There's nowhere to tell where jxdn will go from here but Tell Me About Tomorrow has the makings to go down as an instant classic.

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