Saturday 9 March 2019

Special: What TV Show Should I Watch Next? Round One

It's that time again. March Madness, DonnFTW edition. The only place where you the readers get to pick what show I watch next. You vote and the winners move up the bracket until there's only 1 show left. Voting for each round runs until Monday night and the next round begins Wednesday. However given the late post here I'll let the voting continue until Tuesday night. Here's a look at how this year's bracket starts up and as always the polls are below that.

Round 1-1

Created with QuizMaker

Round 1-2

Penny Dreadful
Created with QuizMaker

Round 1-3

Once Upon A Time
House Of Lies
Round 1-4

The Last Man On Earth
Created with QuizMaker

Round 1-5

New Girl
The Walking Dead
Round 1-6

White Collar
The League

Round 1 - 8

Bates Motel


  1. Do you actually watch the show that wins?

    1. Yes. Though it took me a while to start Breaking Bad last year because of so many shows Tawnya and I now watch. Most are ending after this year though so that should clear up the schedule a bit.
