Sunday 20 May 2018

Special: Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay, A Quiet Place, Black Panther Mini-Reviews

Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay:

Synopsis: A special group of imprisoned villains is brought together by Amanda Waller. Task Force X is assigned the mission of retrieving a mystical object. Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Bronze Tiger, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, and Copperhead risk their lives to find the powerful object.

My thoughts: Not the strongest entry in the DC Animated Movie Universe but it's still head and shoulders above some that they've done in the past that aren't in that universe but it was nice of DC to actually step out of the Justice League and Batman films that have only encompassed the universe (and 1 Teen Titans movie that was basically a Robin starer). It kept me guessing the characters motives, even if you could tell what the end result would be, but lets get one thing straight, this is not a kids movie, it's violent, there is sexual references and nudity. So maybe wait for the kids to be asleep?

Final verdict: 4 blink-and-you'll-miss-it cartoon boob shots out of 5.

A Quiet Place:

Synopsis: Two parents do what it takes to keep their children safe in a world full of creatures hunting every sound they can hear. Not a sound can be heard from the family hiding in silence, but all it takes is one noise and everything can go wrong.

My thoughts: This one should probably get a rewatch from me as I was not feeling well in the theatre and because the movie is 90% silent it made for a bad theatre going experience hearing every person in the theatre's gasp or crunch of a nacho but it did have thrilling moments but relied heavily on jump scares (boo). It was paced really well however and you don't notice any lulls in the action which is exceptionally important in a silent film so it's well worth a watch, my recommendation is watch it in the comfort of your own home though.

Final verdict: 3 noisy space ships out of 5.

Black Panther:

Synopsis: "Black Panther" follows T'Challa who, after the events of "Captain America: Civil War," returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to take his place as King. However, when an old enemy reappears on the radar, T'Challa's mettle as King and Black Panther is tested when he is drawn into a conflict that puts the entire fate of Wakanda and the world at risk.

My thoughts: I can not say enough good things about this movie. The acting is out of this world good. Ryan Coogler is a God... That's right capital G. Marvel is smartly letting him make his own movie and are not making him rush a sequel to production which is especially shocking given all the money this movie made. It's out on DVD now, go buy it. This article is done, seriously leave now.

Final verdict: 5 "Wakanda Forever" salutes out of 5.

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