Monday 5 June 2017

Special: Best of May 2017

Best Theatrical Film:

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

May was pretty good for movies overall as it normally is but this year one stood above the rest and that's the Guardians of the frickin' Galaxy (except he didn't say frickin'). It was fun, it was action packed, it was funny when it needed to be, and heart wrenching just to make you cry (you bastards!). Likely one of the best films of the year so far so you won't want to miss out on this one.

Best Rental Film:


I usually don't like putting films that have previously won "Best Theatrical Film" category in the rental film category but with May there was only 2 really good Movies, Logan and Resident Evil 5, although I could've given the nod to RE5 that just didn't seem right since Logan is the better film so against my best wishes I rolled with Logan but feel free to grab both when you go and rent movies at a Family Video near you.

Best Album:

blink-182 - California (Deluxe)

Sorry Paramore, I expected you to take this spot but after a few listens I'm just not into it as much as I thought I'd be and with blink debuting California before this column was a thing I felt it was appropriate to give California the nod it deserves for reminding us that blink still makes proper pop-punk records.

Best Graphic Novel:

Jessica Jones, Vol. 1: Uncaged!, by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos

Bendis and Gaydos, the creators behind Jessica’s original iconic series (on which the Netflix show is largely based), return to the character after a decade. A lot’s changed for the character and for the larger Marvel U, but Jessica is back behind the desk of Alias Investigations. She comes into possession of some potentially very damaging information about other Marvel heroes while facing down a killer with cannibalistic tendencies.

Best Video Game:

Injustice 2 (Xbox One & PS4)

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