Sunday 5 February 2017

Special: Best of January 2017

New segment here. We're going to look at some of the best media from January 2017 so let's do it!!

Best Theatrical Film:

Underworld: Blood Wars

Now as of this writing I've only seen 2, this and Monster Trucks. Underworld was definitely the better of the 2 but everyone and their mother seems to enjoy Split while The Founder and Patriots Day seem to be the most loved by critics despite the lack of Box Office receipts for both. And of course if you like Underworld odds are you're going to enjoy the 6th and final chapter in the Resident Evil saga.

Best Rental Film:

Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back

Tough call between this and The Accountant but you really can't go wrong with either action/thriller however being a fan of the original Jack Reacher I went with the sequel given that you can binge watch the far superior original before diving into the sequel. Prefer a drama? How about Queen of Katwe from Disney. If you want something a little more kid friendly there's Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life or the wrestling/penguin mash-up Surf's Up: Wavemania.

Best Album:

As It Is - Okay

No contest here. Sure there is The Early November Acoustic album Fifteen Years which is a great flashback of nostalgia but As It Is ruled January.

Best Graphic Novel:

Injustice: Year Two The Complete Collection, by Tom Taylor

It may sound like faint praise to say that Injustice is probably the best video game spin-off comic ever, but the book is still going strong almost four years after the release of the game that spawned it. In this collection, from the second year of the series, Batman and Superman are still at odds in a dystopian version of the DCU in which Superman’s loved ones were killed by the Joker, setting him off on an authoritarian rampage. The Green Lantern Corps is coming to put an end to Superman’s wrongdoing, but they won’t have an easy time of it.

Best Video Game:

Digimon World: Next Order (PS4)

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