Sunday 10 April 2016

Special: Checking In On Batman And Robin Eternal (#21 - #26)

Hope you're all caught up with Batman And Robin Eternal, if you're not click HERE to go to my last post which covers issues #15 to #20 with links to the previous 3 articles as well! But for now let's move forward to our stunning conclusion

Issue #21 picks up with how Bruce handled dealing with a newly orphaned Harper and her younger brother, they also flashback to a scene shortly after Bruce and Dick thought they defeated Mother. Bruce decides to head back to Europe to tie up some loose ends but really he's going to meet Mother's first "child" who knew her backstory. We find out Mother's parents were brutally murdered in front of her by the military. She was also stabbed multiple times while pretending to be dead, once the soldiers left she arose from the pile of bodies and killed every single one before coming across a girl her age who took her in, unfortunately the girl's parents were less than thrilled and hit her causing Mother to lash out and "free" her. Once Bruce leaves Mother appears to kill the woman. Back in Gotham, Batman tries to scare Harper's father into taking care of his children, but deep down he knows it won't work and he deletes all traces of the case.

We then head back to Spyral HQ where the Robin's are trying to devise a plan to stop Mother but it's not going well. They figure since Batman couldn't defeat her what chance do they have? Damian pipes up with a speech about how Batman didn't want them to be as good as him or to be him but to be the best versions of themselves they can be. He wanted them to choose their own path and be better than him. After that they get to work to do whatever they can to even attempt an attack on Mother. Mother is meanwhile in the arctic circle when Orphan shows up with Harper and Cassandra. Mother thanks him before disposing of him rather violently. She then shows her army or Orphans that have no feelings, a flaw the previous one had... She then starts the satellite to turn everyone under 20 into her soldiers.

We open up on Cullen listening to his voicemails from Harper when Spoiler steps in saying she's going out to help with the riots. Tim Drake then enters out of nowhere and explains that he needs Spoiler to guard Scarecrow in Arkham, they're sure Mother will go for him. Cullen insists he goes as well so Tim brings him through a magic door which leads them to Midnighter's house where Batgirl, Batwoman and Catwoman all signed on to help as well as Katana and Black Canary. They are sent to attempt to stabilize the riots throughout the world while Dick goes after Mother. Scarecrow tries getting in Spoiler's head but she's grown a lot as a character and shows that she's not worried about her fear controlling her, at that point Red Hood comes in to take Crane (through a magic door) to his old facility to get him to make a toxin to counteract Mother's formula after some banter back and forth, Scarecrow eventually agrees to do it to avoid Mother finding him.

All over the world the bat family are being overcome with the kids attacking. Midnighter decides to leave Cullen in charge at home base so he can watch over Scarecrow freeing Spoiler to go help hold the line. Meanwhile Mother starts sending in her army of Orphans as well so if they were having difficulties with the kids, things just got a lot harder. At Mother's base Dick shows up just in time for a plane to come crashing down, From the wreckage comes Azrael, who tells Dick he's come to take his own life and Mother's. Dick thinks Mother needs to be brought forward and be brought to justice so they start fighting. Elsewhere in the base Mother is speaking to Harper about how Batman tried to hold her back by keeping her in her old life but now she's giving her a chance to start again and the first step is killing Cassandra!

Scarecrow finally finishes his toxin but Cullen tells Midnighter that the Bat Family is losing to the Orphans so they can't release the toxin. Midnighter decides to use his doors to get all of the Orphans to him in Crane's facility where he can handle it leaving the bat family to set off the toxin and save the infected kids from more violent outbursts. Word of the failure leaks back to Mother who immediately requests the second set of cities be infected but she's interrupted when Dick appears, whil fighting with Azrael, Dick convinced him that by killing Mother he continues to live the way she would want him too so Azrael decides to help Dick.

Dick tries to convince Harper not to kill Cassandra but to everyone's surprise Cassandra tells Harper to do it, that's when Harper bens down and tells her she was never going to hurt her, rather she was stalling to learn the electrical grid so she can shut it down so she does, unfortunately Mother is ready to go on back up generators when Azrael knocks out knocks out her antenna stopping her attack. She calls forth her Orphans but at the same time Cullen summons the rest of the bat family to Dick's location and a fight breaks out. Knowing she's lost Mother sets her base to self-destruct as they are hanging over an active volcano. The Bat family has the magic doors to get out but Mother will be left to parrish and she won't ever see time for her crimes, just then David Cain, the original Orphan appears and stabs Mother. Dick tries convincing him to give Mother to him so he can take her to the authorities but David throws himself and Mother into the volcano but first he apologizes to Cassandra and tells her to live her life. A while later Harper confronts Batman about the choice not to tell her about what role he played in her past. She tells him she's going to school and doesn't know if she'll return to being Bluebird but she's happy she has his support if she does. He also runs into Cassandra who is doning a cape and hood as well, though she now goes by Orphan. The series ends with Batman and his 4 Robin's going to stop a criminal, all their strengths playing off each other.

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