Wednesday 11 November 2015

Comic Shop Corner: Batman And Robin Eternal #6

Hey folks so this was supposed to launch last week unfortunately time constraints made us start this week... In the middle of the month... Yeah. Not ideal. Anyways when I started this blog years ago (wow, that's crazy to put in perspective) Comic Shop Corner was the reason I originally started it, too bad it's also gone through the most changes. It started off as a weekly highlighting a bunch of books, then switched to a monthly format which saved me time weekly but also made a big project at the end of the month, so we're going back to a weekly where I will highlight one book I recommend.

This week's book: Batman And Robin Eternal #6

Synopsis: Grayson, Red Robin and Red Hood fracture, not knowing whether they can trust each other or the legacy of Batman. In the past, Robin gets his chance to redeem himself in Batman's eyes and take on Scarecrow.

Why check it out: Well this was an easy choice since I just profiled the first 5 issues in this past Sunday's special so find that here.

See you next week guys!

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