Sunday 30 August 2015

Speical: Top 10 Least Valuable Funko POP!

Welcome kind readers, a while back I ran through the Top 10 Most Valuable Funko POP's (Here). Well time to flip the script and let you know the Top 10 LEAST valuable, that's right folks grab these from the bargain bins and nowhere else.

10. Uncle Si (Duck Dynasty) (7-11 Exclusive) - Television Line - Value: $5

Now there was a bunch that were worth $5 to slot in at number #10 and #9. What makes this interesting is that it's an exclusive that is so widely owned it's actually worth less than the original POP!

9. Greedo (Vault Edition) - Star Wars Line - Value: $5

Now what makes Greedo interesting? The fact that it was also featured as one of the most expensive so of course Funko made more but with a different box "vault edition" if you will. I'm yet to add this to my collection but I'll be looking for it on the cheap side.

8. Maggie (Evolve) - Games Line - Value: $4

To break the ties at $4 I opted to go with the most owned would be ranked higher since there's more on the market it would stay devalued longer. Over at Pop Price Guide, Maggie is showed owned by only 102 people. Now if it's this lowly owned and low in value odds are Funko slams the brakes on production which means the people that don't have her will need to buy her from a party that does have her and there are less of those people... Simply put, supply and demand is more likely to run lesser owned POP's like Maggie up, then again the Evolve line clearly isn't that popular...

7. Markov (Evolve) - Games Line - Value: $4

Ouch... Back to back, Evolver's. Markov is owned by 124 people so there's a chance for a turnaround but I'm not betting on it... NEXT!

6. General Ursus (Planet Of The Apes) - Movies Line - Value: $4

This damn dirty ape is owned by 154 people. And yet worth so little, then again the Ape line never actually took off like Funko hopes, even the most popular Ape (Zaius) has a paltry $10 value... Popular Common POP's go for more than that!

5. Gideon Jura - Magic The Gathering Line - Value: $4

I don't know much about Magic cards... But I do know that despite having their own line outside the "Games" line the POP's aren't worth much. The Non-Exclusive high point is $13 USD for a 6" which those that bought a 6" POP know isn't very much. But congrats to the rest of the line still, since at least they aren't as lowly as Gideon and the 173 people that own him.

4. Long Duck Dong (Sixteen Candles) - Movies Line - Value: $4

Now the most owned of the $4 POP's! And I'm one of them... Sigh. Oh well, my girlfriend picked him out at the last convention we went to. So she's to blame. The Asian exchange student from the hit 80's movie is in 263 people's collection.

3. Amare Stoudemire - NBA Line - Value: $3

The good news? Amare is only owned by 32 people on PPG. The bad news? The sports line are by and far the least valuable lines. It's nearly impossible to strike gold outside of the WWE line so unless you really like Stoudemier, stay away.

2. Val (Evolve) - Games Line - Value: $3

Evolve... SMH.

1. Willie (Duck Dynasty) - Television Line - Value: $2

Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! And he's dressed in camo. The Duck Dynasty POP's were a tough sell from the get go but people did buy them, unfortunetly they are the same people that will put them up for sale for pennies on the dollar. Coming to a flea market or garage sale near you... Duck Dynasty POP's!

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