Sunday 19 July 2015

Special: Warped Tour 2015 Review

I had the pleasure of attending the Vans Warped Tour this past Wednesday at the Darien Lake stop at the annual event which was my eleventh straight year attending a stop at the event. As with last year I'll post my top 20 anticipated bands and unlike last year I was pretty happy with what I got to see this year.

1. The Wonder Years (5:45 main stage)
2. Silverstein  (12:15 main stage)
3. Man Overboard (11:40 main stage)
4. Pierce The Veil (5:10 main stage)
5. Seaway (3:55 Ernie Ball stage)
6. Handguns (7:15 Journey's stage)
7. Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties (1:55 acoustic basement stage)
8. As It Is (4:30 Journey's stage)
9. Senses Fail (6:50 Monster Energy stage)
10. Transit (7:40 Journey's stage)
11. Carousel Kings (4:35 Kevin says stage)
12. Set It Off  (5:00 Journey's stage)
13. Knuckle Puck (7:55 Kevin says stage)
14. Neck Deep (1:15 main stage)
15. Major League (6:15 Kevin says stage)
16. Metro Station (5:30 Journey's stage)
17. BoyMeetsWorld (2:00 Ernie Ball stage)
18. Pvris (7:30 main stage)
19. Hands Like Houses (1:45 Journey's stage)
20. We Came As Romans (1:40 main stage)

So let's start the day off! We got through the gates at about 11:30 and lucky we were when we headed to the schedule we noticed Man Overboard was starting in just a few minutes so we hung out and watched them open up the main stage playing a good mix of new songs (Borderline, She's In Pictures) and some old favourites (Rare, Montrose, Dead End Dreams).
Man Overboard performing "Borderline"

They wrapped up at about 12:15 which is when Silverstein was starting on the other main stage just a few steps away. I was a little disappointed with their set as it seemed short and they played some songs that I didn't feel best represented that specific album (i.e. Stand Amid The Roar from This Is How The Wind Shifts) overall though Silverstein is always fun to watch I just wished they played more songs and/or better songs.
Silverstein performing "Vices"

When Silverstein wrapped at 12:45 we had a half hour to kill so we started shopping around though nothing was actually purchased it was more so just to check out what we'll purchase later on in the day. 1:15 came and Neck Deep performed on the same main stage as Silverstein played and they put on an entertaining set though they were very much a small stage type of band, the crowd was large but you can tell they were not used to performing on a big stage and working a crowd from it. But they're British so we'll forgive them.
Neck Deep performing "Crushing Grief (No Remedy)"

Neck Deep ended at 1:40 and this was the first time we had options as We Came As Romans was starting immediately on the main stage. Hands Like Houses was playing the Journey's stage in 5 minutes but they were my bottom of the list so I opted to go see Aaron West over in the acoustic basement which was going to start up at 1:55, unfortunately my girlfriend pulled rank and she wanted to see BoyMeetsWorld at the Ernie Ball stage at 2:00, though I think that has more to do with her not liking Aaron West then liking BoyMeetsWorld so we decided to use the 20 minutes to shop and head back to the front of the park where the Ernie Ball stage is located. It was a small crowd for BoyMeetsWorld but you can tell it was a dedicated following and they put on a great show with a lot of energy.
BoyMeetsWorld performing "Head Up High"

At 2:30 BoyMeetsWorld ended and we had our largest break of the day having nothing until Seaway took the very same Ernie Ball stage at 3:55 so we grabbed some food ($20 for a chicken sandwich and a slice of pizza in case you wondered) and did some shopping which included a bunch of CD's from the Pure Noise Records tent. Seaway was one of my favourite performances of the day as they had a small but ravenous crowd and played some of the best songs from their catalogue during their 30 minute set. If you get the chance I implore you to check them out when they're near you.
Seaway performing "The Let Down"

Again we had a choice to make as both Carousel Kings (4:35) and As It Is (4:30) both played within 10 minutes of Seaway's end time. In the end I opted for As It Is since I ranked them higher and because they're British so there'd be less of a chance to see them again. They played the Journey's stage which was in the amphitheatre so we got a break from the sun and was given the option to sit if we wanted. Their show was high energy but it was hard to get into it since I only knew about 3 of the 7 or so songs they played.
As It Is performing "Bitter, Broken Me"

As It Is finished up at 5 and Set It Off began on the Journey's stage next over but Pierce The Veil was playing in 10 minutes so we only listened to them as we left to head to the main stage for Pierce The Veil, they had the biggest crowd of the day from what I seen and I had no chance of getting a video so the recording below is not mine. They had a bunch of cool pyrotechnics which my girlfriend really loved seeing. They had a short set but they played everything you'd expect including their new song The Divine Zero.
Pierce The Veil performing "The Divine Zero"

Pierce The Veil finished up at 5:45 at which point Metro Station was halfway through their set but that didn't matter much to me since at the other main stage The Wonder Years were about to take the stage. They made the most of their time playing a plethora of songs mostly from Suburbia and The Greatest Generation but they included their new song Cardinals and Melrose Place from The Upsides. It was weird to see them not play My Last Semester which has long been their anthem but given their maturation I'm not surprised to see them slink away from that track, especially given a 30ish minute set. I've probably seen The Wonder Years more than any other band on Warped this year and they never disappoint so if you haven't already check them out when they come through your town.
The Wonder Years performing "Woke Up Older"

The Wonder Years wrapped at about 6:20 and we had yet another break to do some shopping and fill up on water before the water station closed at 6:30. We could've headed over to the Kevin says stage to watch Major League but since we were late in the day and tired (also needing more water) we opted to go to the water station, get off our feet for 10 minutes and pick up a last few items (which turned out not to be our last, more on that later) we then headed over to the Monster Energy stage to see Senses Fail who I last seen on Warped a number of years ago... 2009 maybe? Anyways you call tell that lead singer Buddy Neilson coming out as bi-sexual really opened him up as he was much more wild and crazy on stage then he was then. Back then he just did what was expected of him not what he felt like doing. I'm proud to be a Senses Fail fan and good on him. My girlfriend also enjoyed Buddy's stage antics so that was fun.
Senses Fail performing "Can't Be Saved"

Unfortunately we couldn't stay for all of Senses Fail set since Handguns was playing the Journey's stage at 7:15 so we headed out early not knowing what to expect since Handguns had no merch tent which normally means they didn't make it to the show. Luckily they were there and explained they had to get a trailer tire replaced which is why they're late but they set up some merch in the amphitheatre so at a great price I grabbed a basketball jersey and a tank top which I thought was a tee! They played a typical Handguns show, lots of old stuff and lots of screaming and running around.
Handguns performing "Scream Goodbye"

Handguns wrapped at 7:40 and I had wanted to see Transit at the other Journey's stage and end the day but my girlfriend wanted to see Pvris who played the main stage at 7:30. She let me finish watching Handguns so I was happy to go see Pvris. Unfortunately during their set my phone died so the performance below is incomplete. I was impressed with the singer's voice and the band's music abilities but like As It Is I didn't really know the music but I still enjoyed it. and they brought the house down when they closed with My House.
Pvris performing "Holy"

Since we were in the thick of the stages and it was 8 I decided to check out Knuckle Puck playing the Kevin says stage to end the day, they began playing at 7:55 so we missed the first song and a bit but they put on a good show that all the remaining pop punk kids flocked to since most stages were done at this point and those that weren't had hardcore bands playing. It was a good close to a good day and again my phone was dead so no video but there are a lot of videos on youtube from other Warped stops so check those out. They ended at 8:25 and we made our way out. Another successful Warped to add to my belt. 

So after only seeing 6 full sets last year we were more than able to get our money's worth this year seeing my top 6 bands in full as well as others as you see below:

Full sets:
1. The Wonder Years
2. Silverstein
3. Man Overboard
4. Pierce The Veil
5. Seaway
6. Handguns
8. As It Is
14. Neck Deep
17. BoyMeetsWorld

Partial sets:
9. Senses Fail
12. Set It Off (one song)
13. Knuckle Puck (all but first song and half of second)
18. Pvris (Missed first 2 songs)

missed entirely:
7. Aaron West And The roaring Twenties
10. Transit
11. Carousel Kings
15. Major League (our choice)
16. Metro Station
19. Hands Like Houses
20. We Came As Romans

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