Sunday 26 July 2015

Special: Pure Noise Records 2015 Releases Mini-Reviews

As you may have noticed from last week's Sunday Special I recently attended Warped Tour and one of the great things about Warped Tour is all the shopping I get to do, especially when it comes to CD's. Yes I still purchase those round discs to rip into iTunes and play in the car and for me Warped is the haven for CD's. Most bands playing will have their CD's for cheap, usually in the $5 - $10 range. Not to mention all the scenes labels are out in full force, and this year not only was Pure Noise Records there, but they had the best deal out of them all. 5 CD's for $20 and they brought most of their catalogue with them including the following 2015 releases that I'm giving you mini-reviews on.

The Story So Far - The Story So Far

History: Material for The Story So Far was written on and off while touring over the course of 2014. Vocalist Parker Cannon went to practice and ask the rest of the band if they could do a self-titled release. Guitarist William Levy said he did not know "if it means anything, really. It's just the record that we felt like doing". Levy revealed the band like the album "more than any other record" they've done previously. The album was recorded with producer Sam Pura at Panda Studios. The band have worked with Pura before on their previous releases. Levy said recording "didn't actually feel any different" compared to the first time they recorded with Pura. The Story So Far was released on May 19 through Pure Noise.

Review: The Story So Far have a formula that's proven to work. They are one of the biggest bands in the scene and yet their records all sound the same. Not that it's getting tired or sore, unlike so many bands in the genre, The Story So Far takes the pop-punk stereotypes and throws it on their head. We get a moment of something different with the song "Phantom" where Cannon switches up his melody for a softer tone. Once that's done however they get right back into the hardcore drumming and impressive guitar chords, You'd be hard pressed to find a better song on this album than Heavy Gloom which perfectly sums up what TSSF are about. This third release is the cleanest yet and we no longer have to wonder what Cannon is screaming but it'll be interesting to see how long they can continue going making essentially the same record.

Hit The Lights - Summer Bones

History: In January 2015, Hit the Lights announced the title and release date for the album. A few days later they premiered the first track off the album, "Fucked Up Kids," along with the track listing. Leading up to its release, the band premiered more songs including "The Real" and "No Filter" to build anticipation. The band announced on Twitter that they "wrote Invicta because we wanted to push ourselves. We wrote Summer Bones because we wanted to rip shit. We stand by both." Summer Bones was released on March 24 through Pure Noise.

Review: If Hit The Lights set out to rip shit they definitely succeeded with Summer Bones. The lead track, Fucked Up Kids sets the bar for the album as to what you should expect. No one writes catchier lyrics then Hit The Lights and although the lyrics are a step down from Invicta the music fits the realm of "pop-punk" much better on this offering. These songs all beg to be played live and sung loud and proud by concert-goers. From the sing along of the pop-punk ballad Summer Bones the strongest track on the album to the chants in Life On The Bottom and Keep Your Head. This is a step-forward for HTL, they could've just released a This Is A Stickup... or Skip School Start Fights sequel but they went back to their roots and gave us a brand new listen that stands on it's own legs. Summer Bones proves that Hit The Lights are very much back to form and they're prepared to continue their rise to the top of the scene that was stalled after the high of 2009's Skip School Start Fights.

Four Year Strong - Four Year Strong

History: Four Year Strong is the fifth full-length album by American rock band Four Year Strong. It is their first full length release since 2011's In Some Way, Shape, or Form. Described by vocalist Dan O'Connor as being "one of the most raw records we’ve ever made, it’s just us playing. No fancy computer shit. Made for singing along and head-banging.” The album was made available on several limited edition vinyl pressings from Pure Noise Records and Hot Topic. The album was released on June 2 through Pure Noise.

Review: Much like Hit The Lights, Four Year Strong almost single handedly brought Easycore to the mainstream after the release of 2010's Enemy Of The World. Unfortunately their follow up wasn't nearly as well received by fans or critics as they would of liked, and FYS became what so many of their contemporaries have also begun to do and fade into the backdrop. This self-titled effort is a follow-up to the tremendous Go Down In History EP that was released last summer signalling the fact that FYS are still here and they are ready to rock. The lyrics are strong and FYS touch on the fact that they are not the same band that wrote Rise Or Die Trying or Enemy Of The World and never will be again, but this is definitely their heaviest offering to date featuring heavy drum beats and duelling guitars and vocals. Part of this is due to the production as this feels more like how FYS is live since they have a history of being heavier in concert than on recording. We All Float Down Here and Stolen Credit Card are the standouts but I'm A Big, Bright, Shining Star is perhaps the biggest step forward FYS have accomplished in their lengthy career.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Top 10 Countdown: July 25, 2015

10. Anti-Flag Feat. Tim Armstrong - Brandenburg Gate
Last week: 10.

9. Man Overboard - Splinter
Last week: 9.

8. Knuckle Puck - Disdain
Last week: NEW!

7. What's Eating Gilbert? - You're The Most
Last week: 8.

6. The Maine - English Girls
Last week: 7.

5. Courage My Love - Kerosene
Last week: 1.

4. Neck Deep - Can't Kick Up The Roots
Last week: 5.

3. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! - The Other Line
Last week: 3.

2. Man Overboard - Borderline
Last week: 4.

1. Silverstein - Face Of The Earth
Last week: 2.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Special: Warped Tour 2015 Review

I had the pleasure of attending the Vans Warped Tour this past Wednesday at the Darien Lake stop at the annual event which was my eleventh straight year attending a stop at the event. As with last year I'll post my top 20 anticipated bands and unlike last year I was pretty happy with what I got to see this year.

1. The Wonder Years (5:45 main stage)
2. Silverstein  (12:15 main stage)
3. Man Overboard (11:40 main stage)
4. Pierce The Veil (5:10 main stage)
5. Seaway (3:55 Ernie Ball stage)
6. Handguns (7:15 Journey's stage)
7. Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties (1:55 acoustic basement stage)
8. As It Is (4:30 Journey's stage)
9. Senses Fail (6:50 Monster Energy stage)
10. Transit (7:40 Journey's stage)
11. Carousel Kings (4:35 Kevin says stage)
12. Set It Off  (5:00 Journey's stage)
13. Knuckle Puck (7:55 Kevin says stage)
14. Neck Deep (1:15 main stage)
15. Major League (6:15 Kevin says stage)
16. Metro Station (5:30 Journey's stage)
17. BoyMeetsWorld (2:00 Ernie Ball stage)
18. Pvris (7:30 main stage)
19. Hands Like Houses (1:45 Journey's stage)
20. We Came As Romans (1:40 main stage)

So let's start the day off! We got through the gates at about 11:30 and lucky we were when we headed to the schedule we noticed Man Overboard was starting in just a few minutes so we hung out and watched them open up the main stage playing a good mix of new songs (Borderline, She's In Pictures) and some old favourites (Rare, Montrose, Dead End Dreams).
Man Overboard performing "Borderline"

They wrapped up at about 12:15 which is when Silverstein was starting on the other main stage just a few steps away. I was a little disappointed with their set as it seemed short and they played some songs that I didn't feel best represented that specific album (i.e. Stand Amid The Roar from This Is How The Wind Shifts) overall though Silverstein is always fun to watch I just wished they played more songs and/or better songs.
Silverstein performing "Vices"

When Silverstein wrapped at 12:45 we had a half hour to kill so we started shopping around though nothing was actually purchased it was more so just to check out what we'll purchase later on in the day. 1:15 came and Neck Deep performed on the same main stage as Silverstein played and they put on an entertaining set though they were very much a small stage type of band, the crowd was large but you can tell they were not used to performing on a big stage and working a crowd from it. But they're British so we'll forgive them.
Neck Deep performing "Crushing Grief (No Remedy)"

Neck Deep ended at 1:40 and this was the first time we had options as We Came As Romans was starting immediately on the main stage. Hands Like Houses was playing the Journey's stage in 5 minutes but they were my bottom of the list so I opted to go see Aaron West over in the acoustic basement which was going to start up at 1:55, unfortunately my girlfriend pulled rank and she wanted to see BoyMeetsWorld at the Ernie Ball stage at 2:00, though I think that has more to do with her not liking Aaron West then liking BoyMeetsWorld so we decided to use the 20 minutes to shop and head back to the front of the park where the Ernie Ball stage is located. It was a small crowd for BoyMeetsWorld but you can tell it was a dedicated following and they put on a great show with a lot of energy.
BoyMeetsWorld performing "Head Up High"

At 2:30 BoyMeetsWorld ended and we had our largest break of the day having nothing until Seaway took the very same Ernie Ball stage at 3:55 so we grabbed some food ($20 for a chicken sandwich and a slice of pizza in case you wondered) and did some shopping which included a bunch of CD's from the Pure Noise Records tent. Seaway was one of my favourite performances of the day as they had a small but ravenous crowd and played some of the best songs from their catalogue during their 30 minute set. If you get the chance I implore you to check them out when they're near you.
Seaway performing "The Let Down"

Again we had a choice to make as both Carousel Kings (4:35) and As It Is (4:30) both played within 10 minutes of Seaway's end time. In the end I opted for As It Is since I ranked them higher and because they're British so there'd be less of a chance to see them again. They played the Journey's stage which was in the amphitheatre so we got a break from the sun and was given the option to sit if we wanted. Their show was high energy but it was hard to get into it since I only knew about 3 of the 7 or so songs they played.
As It Is performing "Bitter, Broken Me"

As It Is finished up at 5 and Set It Off began on the Journey's stage next over but Pierce The Veil was playing in 10 minutes so we only listened to them as we left to head to the main stage for Pierce The Veil, they had the biggest crowd of the day from what I seen and I had no chance of getting a video so the recording below is not mine. They had a bunch of cool pyrotechnics which my girlfriend really loved seeing. They had a short set but they played everything you'd expect including their new song The Divine Zero.
Pierce The Veil performing "The Divine Zero"

Pierce The Veil finished up at 5:45 at which point Metro Station was halfway through their set but that didn't matter much to me since at the other main stage The Wonder Years were about to take the stage. They made the most of their time playing a plethora of songs mostly from Suburbia and The Greatest Generation but they included their new song Cardinals and Melrose Place from The Upsides. It was weird to see them not play My Last Semester which has long been their anthem but given their maturation I'm not surprised to see them slink away from that track, especially given a 30ish minute set. I've probably seen The Wonder Years more than any other band on Warped this year and they never disappoint so if you haven't already check them out when they come through your town.
The Wonder Years performing "Woke Up Older"

The Wonder Years wrapped at about 6:20 and we had yet another break to do some shopping and fill up on water before the water station closed at 6:30. We could've headed over to the Kevin says stage to watch Major League but since we were late in the day and tired (also needing more water) we opted to go to the water station, get off our feet for 10 minutes and pick up a last few items (which turned out not to be our last, more on that later) we then headed over to the Monster Energy stage to see Senses Fail who I last seen on Warped a number of years ago... 2009 maybe? Anyways you call tell that lead singer Buddy Neilson coming out as bi-sexual really opened him up as he was much more wild and crazy on stage then he was then. Back then he just did what was expected of him not what he felt like doing. I'm proud to be a Senses Fail fan and good on him. My girlfriend also enjoyed Buddy's stage antics so that was fun.
Senses Fail performing "Can't Be Saved"

Unfortunately we couldn't stay for all of Senses Fail set since Handguns was playing the Journey's stage at 7:15 so we headed out early not knowing what to expect since Handguns had no merch tent which normally means they didn't make it to the show. Luckily they were there and explained they had to get a trailer tire replaced which is why they're late but they set up some merch in the amphitheatre so at a great price I grabbed a basketball jersey and a tank top which I thought was a tee! They played a typical Handguns show, lots of old stuff and lots of screaming and running around.
Handguns performing "Scream Goodbye"

Handguns wrapped at 7:40 and I had wanted to see Transit at the other Journey's stage and end the day but my girlfriend wanted to see Pvris who played the main stage at 7:30. She let me finish watching Handguns so I was happy to go see Pvris. Unfortunately during their set my phone died so the performance below is incomplete. I was impressed with the singer's voice and the band's music abilities but like As It Is I didn't really know the music but I still enjoyed it. and they brought the house down when they closed with My House.
Pvris performing "Holy"

Since we were in the thick of the stages and it was 8 I decided to check out Knuckle Puck playing the Kevin says stage to end the day, they began playing at 7:55 so we missed the first song and a bit but they put on a good show that all the remaining pop punk kids flocked to since most stages were done at this point and those that weren't had hardcore bands playing. It was a good close to a good day and again my phone was dead so no video but there are a lot of videos on youtube from other Warped stops so check those out. They ended at 8:25 and we made our way out. Another successful Warped to add to my belt. 

So after only seeing 6 full sets last year we were more than able to get our money's worth this year seeing my top 6 bands in full as well as others as you see below:

Full sets:
1. The Wonder Years
2. Silverstein
3. Man Overboard
4. Pierce The Veil
5. Seaway
6. Handguns
8. As It Is
14. Neck Deep
17. BoyMeetsWorld

Partial sets:
9. Senses Fail
12. Set It Off (one song)
13. Knuckle Puck (all but first song and half of second)
18. Pvris (Missed first 2 songs)

missed entirely:
7. Aaron West And The roaring Twenties
10. Transit
11. Carousel Kings
15. Major League (our choice)
16. Metro Station
19. Hands Like Houses
20. We Came As Romans

Saturday 18 July 2015

Top 10 Countdown: July 18, 2015

10. Anti-Flag Feat. Tim Armstrong - Brandenburg Gate
Last week: NEW!

9. Man Overboard - Splinter
Last week: 10.

8. What's Eating Gilbert? - You're The Most
Last week: NEW!

7. The Maine - English Girls
Last week: 8.

6. As It Is - Cheap Shots & Setbacks
Last week: 2.

5. Neck Deep - Can't Kick Up The Roots
Last week: 7.

4. Man Overboard - Borderline
Last week: 6.

3. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk - The Other Line
Last week: 4.

2. Silverstein - Face Of The Earth
Last week: 3.

1. Courage My Love - Kerosene
Last week: 1.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Special: Top 10 Pixar Franchises

Hey everybody! This week I finished up the Pixar franchise by watching "Brave" couple that with last week's review of Inside Out and that film's first weekend at #1 at the domestic box office what better time than now to count down the Top 10 Pixar franchises. Just an FYI there are currently 11, Cars is not on this list... Now you know, let's talk the other ten now.

10. Wall-E

I realize I'm in the minority here but really what does Wall-E bring that the other Pixar films don't? Okay I get it, space is pretty but all Pixar locales are pretty so it doesn't get bonus points for space being pretty. The plot doesn't offer much, the whole silent narrative is fun for about 30 minutes than it gets a little annoying. Wall-E is not a bad movie, but it's bad when you compare it to it's Pixar contemporaries.

9. Ratatouille

Okay remember when I said all Pixar locales are pretty? Well Ratatouille is probably the worst, mind you it all takes place in a restaurant/apartment/sewer so they don't have a lot to work with. I love Brad Bird and I always will but his writing here was brutal. The pacing was all over the place he gave us like 4 climax points and not one of them actually delivered. The voice acting and the character animation was the saving grace here as this was the first time that Pixar really nailed the human component in their films.

8. Brave

As previously mentioned this was the last Pixar movie I needed to watch to make this list and I have finally done it... Like Ratatouille the animation is beautiful, our heroines flowing red hair was a sight to see, but the story lacked. I feel like Disney went to Pixar and said "We need these movies to be more Disney formulaic if we're going to work together... Oh and make a Princess movie dammit!"

7. Inside Out

The newest Pixar movie! It was a tough sell with very little information leaking out until a few months before release. Now that it's out it's a typical Pixar movie, by that I mean it's good but it's tough to tell how well it will age. It's undoubtedly original, incredibly smart but lacks great animation apart from it's boisterous colours. Seeing it in 3D brought very little to the party and the adult aimed humour was few and far between. Luckily the story kept us intrigued.

6. Monsters Inc./U

Monsters Inc. is easily a top 5 Pixar movie, unfortunately University knocks the Monsters franchise back a few steps. University was hurt by it's 3D which again gave us nothing and it's probably the most visually... Bleh. But the stellar voice acting is on display here and apart from Toy Story it'd be hard to top this series acting but something had to give and the climax in University was disappointing by Pixar standards and we'll hope for better in any future Monsters movies.

5. Up

Can you name the very first Pixar film, and only 1 of 3 animated films to ever be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars? You guessed it, it's Up. The story of an old man who takes an unforgettable journey with a young boy that just wanted to earn scouting badges. The fact that this film, which I can not think of a single bad thing to say about, is number 5 speaks to the incredible depth of Pixar's films. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it'll make you want to see how many balloons you have to tie to your house so that you too can embark on the journey of a lifetime.

4. Finding Nemo

Nemo, like Up does a lot of things really really well, but unfortunately there are a select few Pixar movies that do those same things just a little bit better. It'd still be impossible to say that Nemo isn't a master piece of film making. The beautifully animated ocean, the hilarious dialogue the exciting climax and the lessons we learnt leave Finding Nemo at the number four spot for now, but if the upcoming sequel could come close to it's predecessor Nemo should have no problem jumping into the top three.

3. A Bug's Life

Definitely the most overlooked film in Pixar's catalogue as it is also one of their oldest. Their second picture put into production followed a colony of insects on an amazing journey. Most pundits say it didn't age well and maybe they're right? But the fact of the matter is for me this was my childhood. This film opened my eyes to what animation could do and I am forever grateful to it for that and I still enjoy popping in the Blu-Ray to this day.

2. The Incredibles

Did I mention how much I love Brad Bird? The Incredibles is storytelling at it's finest. Sure it's an animated flick but regardless of medium this is a masterpiece, all the locations have a familiar feel despite being completely different from one and other. The cast, main and supporting alike do a great job with the material they are given and what we end up with is a highly original concept executed to perfection.

1. Toy Story

Yeah... Shocker I know. The last animated movie to be nominated for Best Picture was Toy Story 3, it's really a shame the original didn't given how groundbreaking it was back in 1995 but you know they had to nominate Babe and Sense & Sensibility apparently. Not that I'm bitter. Toy Story has been consistently great over the 3 films and here's hoping for more... The trilogy ended well with a nice little bow but there are still portions to build off of and if any series deserves more entries in this time where we sequel and reboot everything it's absolutely Toy Story.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Top 10 Countdown: July 11, 2015

10. Man Overboard - Splinter
Last week: NEW!

9. The Early November - Boxing Timelines
Last week: 9.

8. The Maine - English Girls
Last week: NEW!

7. Neck Deep - Can't Kick Up The Roots
Last week: 8.

6. Man Overboard - Borderline
Last week: 7.

5. I The Mighty - Playing Catch With .22
Last week: 3.

4. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! - The Other Line
Last week: 5.

3. Silverstein - Face Of The Earth
Last week: 4.

2. As It Is - Cheap Shots & Setbacks
Last week: 1.

1. Courage My Love - Kerosene
Last week: 2.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Special: Inside Out/Ted 2/Spy Mini-Reviews

Inside Out:

Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.

My thoughts? The exploration of the human mind of a 12 year old girl lead by her eccentric and colourful emotions was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. I was fortunate enough to know about the "sadness" this movie entailed, and no I don't mean Riley's somber emotion, I mean the emotional punch of the movie, so when it happened it was expected and it hot me less than Up, Toy Story 3 or How To Train Your Dragon 2. Overall it was one of Pixar's better films in my eyes as the animation and voice-acting was top notch to go along with an original, albeit difficult, story to tell. Inside Out is a complex piece of art that will appeal to both children and adults alike, in other words it's typical Pixar.

Final verdict: 4 out of 5 emotions.

Ted 2:

Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he's a person in a court of law.

My thoughts? Like it's predecessor Ted 2 is absurd and hilarious most of the time. There are points when it reaches too far and crosses a line it shouldn't but in the end we forgive it. What it lacked that it's predecessor nailed was it's ability to take this bonkers scenario and have the audience want to invest emotionally into the characters. When it does eventually try to flip the switch in the third act it's not a smooth transition and it leaves us feeling disconnected and worst of all we are no longer laughing. Luckily they throw in a thunder buddy reference for the first time in the film and all is forgiven. I'd be amiss to say that Ted was a great movie but I'd be lying if I said I never laughed during it's nearly 2 hour runtime.

Final verdict: Barely 4 out of 5 bongs.


Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) is an unassuming, deskbound CIA analyst, and the unsung hero behind the Agency's most dangerous missions. But when her partner (Jude Law) falls off the grid and another top agent (Jason Statham) is compromised, she volunteers to go deep undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent a global disaster.

My thoughts? I'm not really a McCarthy fan, outside of her brilliant role in Hangover III I'd have to say my favourite film has been The Heat, a movie I'd probably grade a 3. But I'm happy to say Spy won me over, sure she's still playing essentially the same role but this time she brings style and a slew of on-point co-stars to the party. Statham hasn't done anything to write home about recently but this role reminds me of the old Ritchie flicks that made me like him in the first place. Law is as charming as ever and Byrne plays the bad guy role so well, surprising since we never get to see her do that. The script is paced well and the director never misses a shot.

Final verdict: 4 out of 5 intelligence agencies.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Top 10 Countdown: July 4, 2015

10. Man Overboard - Now That You're Home
Last week: NEW!

9. The Early November - Boxing Timelines
Last week: 10.

8. Neck Deep - Can't Kick Up The Roots
Last week: 9.

7. Man Overboard - Borderline
Last week: 8.

6. Millencolin - Bring Me Home
Last week: 6.

5. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! - The Other Line
Last week: 5.

4. Silverstein - Face Of The Earth
Last week: 4.

3. I The Mighty - Playing Catch With .22
Last week: 3.

2. Courage My Love - Kerosene
Last week: 2.

1. As It Is - Cheap Shots & Setbacks
Last week: 1,

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Comic Shop Corner: July 2015

We'll do 28 this month since there's a bunch of issues double shipping this month as well as annuals.

28. C.O.W,L. #11
Last ranking: 30 (same issue)

Arc two comes to a close with a monster issue. All of Geoffrey's lies, secrets, and rationalizations have led to this. Plus, Radia's public stand against C.O.W.L.—will she win the independence she wants? And does Arclight have a future with C.O.W.L.? Or at all?

27. New Suicide Squad #10
Last ranking: 29

What do you get when you take on an unstable breakaway faction from the League of Assassins? Dead Squad members, that’s what!

26. Edward Scissorhands #10
Last ranking: 24

Whole Again concludes, as Edward realizes that only he can rescue his new friends, even though it might mean sacrificing his best chance to be “normal.” But what’s normal, really?

25. Justice League United #11
Last ranking: Unranked

The Convergence is over! Now, Alanna Strange, Stargirl and Equinox must assemble brand-new and wildly untraditional teams of heroes and villains to work together and stop another cosmic catastrophe before it happens. In this issue: Mera, Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing and Etrigan!

24. American Vampire: The Second Cycle #8
Last ranking: 27 (same issue)

With Skinner and Calvin leading the space race, back on Earth it’s time to face the most guarded stronghold in the country: Area 51! Felicia and Pearl go behind the fence to expose the nation’s extraterrestrial secrets. What do they encounter floating in the test tubes? You’ll find out here!

23. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Colour Classics #7
Last ranking: 26

In "City at War, Part Five," the TMNT and their allies must face their personal doubts, motivations, and mortality as the war for New York continues to explode out-of-control around them! (Originally printed as Mirage TMNT #54, Volume 1.)

22. Gotham By Midnight #7/Annual
Last ranking: 16

7: The responsibilities of the Midnight Shift can take its toll on even the bravest. What trials has Lt. Weaver endured – and has he reached his breaking point?

Annual: Get set for a tale of love and vengeance in this centuries-old mystery for the Midnight Shift – and the Gentlemen Ghost!

21. Past Aways #5
Last ranking: 23

Phil and his new student experiment with a novel form of time travel, Art begins a dangerous relationship with a 2015 native, and the impossible occurs when one of the immortal Past Aways passes away!

20. We Stand On Guard #1
Last ranking: NEW!

SAGA writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN teams with artistic legend and MATRIX storyboard artist STEVE SKROCE for an action-packed military thriller that will have everyone talking. 100 years from now, a heroic band of Canadian civilians must defend their homeland from the United States of America! The hyper-detailed combat between badass freedom fighters and giant f***ing robots begins with a spectacular 40-PAGE FIRST ISSUE for the regular price of just $2.99!

19. Bat-Mite #2
Last ranking: 12

Bat-Mite assists Batman on yet another case…whether the Dark Knight needs his help or not. This time, it leads the imp to the diabolical Doctor Trauma, who has terrible plans in store for Hawkman!

18. Secret Wars #4
Last ranking: 22/21 (same issue)

All the Angels sing!

17. Lobo #8/Annual
Last ranking: 14

8: Lobo battles fiendish robotic surgeons in the horrific “flesh factory”!

Annual: Lobo’s faced murderers, thieves and tyrants as he slaughtered his way across the universe, but now he meets the one group that might shut down his work for good: the Sinestro Corps!

16. Harrow County #3
Last ranking: 13

Terrified by what she's learned of witches and monsters, Emmy takes shelter in an ancient graveyard, as she's hunted down by her own family!

15. Secret Six #4
Last ranking: 20

It's the Secret Six versus the Doom Patrol, fresh off their appearance in Teen Titans! As the Six hunt down the villain who has been targeting them, they uncover some startling secrets. What does the all-new Doom Patrol have to do with all of it?

14. Silver Surfer #13
Last ranking: 19

From the edge of Battleworld to the far reaches of the cosmos – every planet, moon and star has been extinguished. Except for the Surfer, Dawn and Toomie! How did they pull this off? And more importantly, can they figure out a way to bring everything back?

13. Justice League Of America #2
Last ranking: 18

The JLA learns more about the armada of religious zealots that has arrived on Earth – and their stunning ties to Krypton!

12. Magneto #20
Last ranking: 15

Earth is careening toward oblivion and Magneto is desperate to prevent mutantkind from meeting its untimely end… But could it be that the key to salvation has been right in front of him all along in the form of his daughter, Polaris?

11. Batman Beyond #2
Last ranking: 5

Thirty-five years in the future, Batman’s gotten himself caught in a P.O.W. camp where the enemy refuses to give up trying to crack the only “data source” he can't access – the human mind! And this foe doesn’t care how many people he has to burn through to get there, including original Batgirl Barbara Gordon! To make his great escape, Batman will have to take down both his greatest hero and a traitor to humanity! Featuring the DC Universe debut of Batman Beyond-villain Inque!

10. Howard The Duck #5
Last ranking: 9

While the world’s greatest super heroes fight to save NYC – and possibly America and parts of Canada – Howard and Tara Tam learn a lot about each other, and themselves. Communication is key in life. Be inquisitive about the people you surround yourself with. RETAILER NOTE: This issue is a HOWARD THE DUCK #4 tie-in!

9. Action Comics #42
Last ranking: 25

The Superman epic you never expected – “TRUTH” continues! Who will stand by Clark Kent?

8. Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #3
Last ranking: 11

The war that's so secret, the rest of the Marvel Universe doesn't even remember it! Amid the chaos Deadpool dons...a new costume?!?! Plus: our heroes stage a huge attack on the gluttonous GALACTUS!

7. Batman #42
Last ranking: 2

More surprises around every corner as the all-new Batman hits the streets of Gotham City!

6. Fight Club 2 #3
Last ranking: 17

Tyler’s been around a lot longer than anyone realized . . . To gain admittance to the current generation of Project Mayhem, Marla is more than happy to provide Sebastian with plenty of bruises, and thus, the search for their son begins . . .

5. Sex Criminals #11/12
Last ranking: 6 (Issue 11 resolicited)

Jon and Suzie have a gift: when they have sex, they stop time. And they’re not alone. Get on board the book that’s been called “hilarious” and “arousing” — by Chip’s mommy. OH! All these issues? They’re all in a sealed bag because 1000 totally random blank covers have been “customized” by Matt and Chip. Will YOU be one of the lucky ones (thousand)? Will YOUR copy be worth a million dollars one day because it is one-of-a-kind and unique (probably not)? YES! (No.)

12: Suzie and Jon continue the worst recruitment plan in the history of entertaining second-act montage sequences. Getting the band together never had so many fluids. By Hollywood jerkhole MATT FRACTION (ODY-C, SATELLITE SAM, Hawkeye) and literally a shed-full of car keys that somehow manages to draw comics.

4. Grayson #10
Last ranking: 8

For the first time since FOREVER EVIL, Dick Grayson comes face-to-face with Lex Luthor!

3. Nailbiter #14
Last ranking: 3

One of the biggest secrets of the serial killers is revealed!

2. Justice League #42
Last ranking: 10

The epic “Darkseid War” event storyline continues with the critically acclaimed team of Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok! As Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor maneuver toward inevitable war, Wonder Woman leads the Justice League against a force that holds the answers on how to stop it – but the price might be Batman’s soul! Meanwhile, Mister Miracle faces off against a mysterious hero who has been fighting in the shadows for decades!

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #47/48
Last ranking: 1 (Issue 47 resolicited)

47: The Stockman Swarm engulfs NYC searching high and low for the Turtles. The Turtles are on the run and desperate. Will they be able to find sanctuary before it's too late?

48: The Turtles take the fight to Baxter Stockman as both Karai and Shredder plan their final moves!

Series dropped: Postal

Series finished: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures