Sunday 28 June 2015

Special: Best Movie of 2015?

Well here we are roughly half way through 2015 so I thought it'd be fun to do a top 5 movies of 2015 so far and look at my top 5 contenders from the rest of the year to dethrone them, but to avoid any spoilers (after all these 5 could end up to be the top 5 at the end of the year) I'm just going to list both lists in alphabetical order. Now let's talk movies!

Top 5 Contenders:

Firstly this is hard to predict since generally there are a handful of Oscar fodder that turns out really good, unfortunetly we have no trailers for any of them so I'd be picking based on names alone and I just can't bring myself to do that so I'm sticking with films that have trailers.

Fantastic Four:

Those who read my most anticipated movies of the summer should not be surprised by this movies inclusion. I fear that this version of the Fantastic Four will not be as accepted as it should be as historically speaking, the thinking man's superhero film has not been well received (Watchmen, The Incredible Hulk) I'm really hoping I'm wrong but I doubt it, this may very well be the jewel of this year's comic book films, it will also be the least seen, but he'll I'll enjoy it for everyone.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2:

I'll be the first to admit that Part 1 was easily the worst Hunger Games movie yet... Not that it was horrendous or anything, the previous two just set the bar to high and the fact of the matter is that any time you split a book into two movies the first part isn't going to have a good enough build up to it's climax, they did the best they could but we must look at the positives of going this route, the climax of the book will now be an entire movie! Here's looking up Mockingjay Part 2.

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation:

Honestly when making my summer movie list this somehow was overlooked, I'm positive it didn't have a release date yet as their was no way if I had seen this was coming out I wouldn't have given it a spot. What was supposed to be a hand-off movie for Tom Cruise (Ghost Protocall) became such a huge hit they opted to roll the dice on Tom teaming up again with Renner, Pegg and the rest of the crew. The previously mentioned fourth installment was more than just a shot in the arm for the slumping franchise, it became the series benchmark, here's hoping Rogue Nation can build upon it's predecessor.

Point Break:

The original Point Break wrongly gets overlooked when talking about the best action movies from the 90's... Sure it has it's flaws but it's also amazing, I'll be the first to admit that this looks very different than when Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze dawned their wetsuits but that doesn't mean it's guaranteed to fail, no instead it's differentiating itself from the original. It's also smartly being released in December to counteract all the Oscar Fodder programming. Sure this is probably most likely to be panned by most, myself included out of the movies on this list, but for now I'm betting on Johnny Utah and Bodhi.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens:

I know, I know. Try to hide your surprise face... Not sure what I can say about this that hasn't already been said... Woo Star Wars? Moving on...

Top 5 So Far:

Avengers: Age Of Ultron:

It's pretty unfair to compare Age of Ultron to it's predecessor but it'll be done regardless, it's not The Avengers, not even close, probably was never even going to be. I'll be the first to admit that upon it's first viewing I was dissapointed in certain aspects and how certain parts were done, But after a second viewing I realized I was merely nitpicking at what was still a great movie... Great enough to be #1? Maybe...


The critics scores will have you believe I was the only person that actually enjoyed this movie... From the director of critical darling and cult classic District 9 comes Chappie the story of a robot with a conscience and feelings... But what happens when he's taught to do bad things? Does his makers lessons of doing good thing overpower his "mom" and "dad" influence to kill and steal? Watch this movie and find out and then you can decide for yourself if it's worthy of a #1 spot.

Inside Out:

Damn you Pixar! What's with the feels always (get it because the movie is about emotions?) But seriously I did the math... Pixar has released 15 full length films if you split them between the best 8 reviewed and the worst 7 reviewed guess what the tomatometer score is of the top movie in the worst reviewed 7... 96%... Yup. They also have 2 more movies in the 90's before dropping down to 78% for two films and then the Cars movies which we don't talk about. Simply put, Pixar is the kings and queens of animation and they don't appear to be getting dethroned any time soon.

Jurassic World:

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this selection... But bring it! This could've went to Mad Max but in all honesty I preferred Jurassic World. That could change after some more viewings but I think this is a case where expectations is the difference maker. Both movies were similar in my eyes but I expected so much more from Mad Max then Jurassic World... Likely due to it's previous sequels full of dino poop.

Kingsmen: The Secret Service:

Who would've thought that a movie about a bunch of English Blokes could be so entertaining... Holding just as much appeal as an action movie as it does a stylized spy movie, director Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class) proves that when it comes to comic book adaptations he can run up against pretty well anyone, and just like his previous work it's a joy to watch.

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