Monday 8 December 2014

Special: Top 10 Original Christmas Songs You've Never Heard

It's that time of year again, when the calendar hits December the blog takes on a new face giving you Christmas themed Specials. Last year we tackled top 10 movies, music videos, gift ideas and my past Christmas CD's. You can expect another Christmas CD list this year once Volume 7 is released, in  other words when the tracklisting finalized and I burn it. But for now let's tackle some songs you may have heard on these compilations. I'm counting down the Top 10 Original Christmas Songs You've Never Heard, save for perhaps on my annual "What's A Partridge, What's a Pear Tree" compilations.

10. July - This Christmas

Okay so I couldn't find a youtube video for this song and since this post is already late just head on over here and listen to it okay? Cool. They're a sweet Pop-Punk band form Toronto signed to TDR Records.

9. From The Top - Hot Chocolate Stains And Candy Canes

Yeah.... No video for this one either... So go here From The Top were a Pop Punk band that broke up back in 2012 but damn is this track catchy for a bunch of California dudes.

8. The Fold - This Christmas

The Fold were once on the brink of breakthrough back when they were signed to Hopeless Records but then nothing... But out of that nothing came this, the second song on this list titled "This Christmas" I can make a separate Top 10 for all the songs titled this.

7. You, Me, And Everyone We Know - We've Got Diggin' Out To Do

This song was released with a brand new band after lead singer Ben allegedly ripped off his band mates forcing them all to leave just when they started to generate label interest unfortunately they had to restart and they remain unsigned. So I guess they got some diggin' out to do...

6. The Click Five - My Girlfriend (Forgot Me This Christmas)

Most people knew the name The Click Five from their powerpop hits "Just The Girl" and "Catch Your Wave" but they also had this Christmas ditty that most missed. Not surprising though since The Click Five were in the limelight about as long as Vanilla Ice.

5. I Call Fives - This Xmas

I Call Fives went unsigned for a while, they finally got inked to Pure Noise Records and put out a great full length before ultimately breaking up but prior to signing they released this gem of a Christmas tune and it's the last time you'll see this or any other variation of This Christmas on this list... Promise.

4. These Kids Wear Crowns - You're My Mrs. Claus

These Kids are household names in Canada but they haven't released anything, outside of christmas tunes, since 2010... Good thing these Christmas songs are great.

3. All These Lights - Christmas Wish

This band is local, but this song was produced by Derek of Brighter, Brightest and the video features a familiar face...

2. A Change Of Pace - Christmas On The Coast

Okay so maybe you might know this one seeing it's spot on A Santa Cause 2, which were the primo compilations for us punk rock kids... But given the presence of bigger bands you'd be excused if you skipped over this track but take a good listen now.

1. Artist Vs. Poet - Airplanes And Candy Canes

Artist Vs. Poet was similar to The Fold, signed to Fearless Records to be their next big thing, they never took off after an EP release and were dropped. The band is still kicking though independently though. Including their Christmas album Naughty Or Nice featuring this gem. The #1 Christmas song you never heard.

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