Sunday 21 September 2014

Special: Top 10 Movies That Take Place In Space

With Interstellar becoming the hot topic of conversation as we do a full swing into awards season had me thinking about movies taking place in outer space and I came to realize there hasn't been a great one in several years... I also learnt I have nearly watched enough space movies so rather than do a Top 10 Movies In space, I thought I'd do a top 5, and follow up with a top 5 Movies In Space I'm Embarrassed To Say I Haven't Seen (or least haven't seen since I hit puberty and knew what a good movie was supposed to be). Onwards we go...

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

What more can be said about this film that hasn't already been said? It's probably the most visually striking space film to be released until the turn of the century. It was directed by the masterful Stanley Kubrick and had everything from humour to heroism in the script. It also features a slew of unrecognisable actors that for whatever reason play their parts perfectly. And hey! The sequel isn't atrocious either.

4. Space Jam (1996)

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam... Alright, alright, alright... Those iconic words... They just fill me with joy. Cause you know when you hear them you are just an hour away from watching Bill Murray take the court alongside Jordan, Bugs and Daffy. I couldv'e picked a number of animated films for this spot, Wall-E is the popular choice, though I tend to favour Treasure Planet and Titan AE myself. There is no denying the fact that despite being critically shat on at the time of it's release has become a cult film for all of us that grew up with it... Hearing you belong on Moron Mountain still stings to this day.

3. Sunshine (2007)

Years before Danny Boyle found Oscar glory with Slumdog Millionaire he created a film that should've been just as successful if not commercially than critically. Although it did have it's fair share of supporters, post-production problems caused the movies release date to be Spring 2007 instead of the original fall 2006 date. Thus Danny Boyle's space epic about a group of scientists going into space to reignite a dying sun was overlooked come award seasons despite striking visuals and a solid cast lead by Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans and Rose Byrne.

2. Dark City (1998)

I can't believe how overlooked this masterpiece is. I still remember the first time I watched it... I was in tenth grade and was handed a burned copy on DVD by a classmate. I never heard of this movie but I figured I'd give it a shot, though I wasn't actually paying attention, I was likely talking to girls on the Internet... What all Tenth graders did in the early 2000's. Something came up and I had to shut the movie off without finishing it. When I went back to watch it I realized I recalled next to nothing about it so I opted to start from the beginning and I'm glad I did because I was completely blown away. If you like stylish action/thrillers with a film noir background this movie is for you. As a sidebar Christopher Nolan used this movie as inspiration for Inception.

1. Star Wars: Episode III - VI (1977 - 2005)

Yup. What can I say? Other than it's really weird they haven't done an Episode I or II yet... Yup... Still waiting on those... Nothing is in existence, the closest we get is that sweet pod racing game for the N64. That had a young Vader in it.

Top 5 Movies That Take Place In Outer Space That I'm Embarrassed To Say I Haven't Seen

5. Iron Sky (2012)

Okay this spot was supposed to go to "The Right Stuff" but moon nazis?? How have I not seen this.

4. Serenity (2005)

I haven't watched Firefly, I don't recall seeing Serenity so yeah... I lose nerd credibility now I guess...

3. Dune (1984)

This is a classic... I get it... But I've never been a Lynch fan, he does so few movies and I didn't particularly enjoy Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive so I'm not exactly gungho to tackle his filmography.

2. Moon (2009)

Now this I have no excuse for... I like Sam Rockwell... Duncan Jones is all the rage right now... I'm not sure why I skipped over it... Hell even NASA likes this movie.

1. Alien/Aliens/Prometheus (1979 - 2012)

Yeah... I'll get to it. Shut up.

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