Sunday 24 August 2014

Special: Top 10 Terrible Movie Sequels

About a month ago me and my cohort talked about our top 10 favourite sequels of all time (HERE) so with the release of Sin City 2 this week (which was good by the way) I'm going to now tackle the other end of the spectrum with my top 10 Terrible Movie Sequels. Same rules apply as the previous list, only part 2's are counted and I took into consideration if the first one was good so this won't just be me picking on bad franchises (I'm looking at you Paranormal Activity)

10. The Return Of Jafar: Okay this started a barrage of shitty straight to DVD sequels Disney pushed out in the mid 90's and continued doing for the next decade... Were you aware The Little Mermaid had a sequel and a prequel? No I bet you weren't... And although those movies are likely worse than Return Of Jafar, it got the ball rolling and without it we wouldn't have had to sit through all the terribleness that came afterwards. Not to mention having a Genie without Robin Williams is just wrong...

9. Star Trek: Into Darkness: I know the critics and Mad Mike loved this movie, but I was not among it's fans. I found it incredibly unfathomable and was a mess. Where I left the theatre after the first Star Trek saying how much I hated myself for enjoying that movie (Star Wars is better). I left the theatre after Into Darkness hating the producers for allowing such a giant turd to hit the multiplex. But I appear to be in the minority around you Spock suckers. Moving on...

8. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones: Okay so maybe in that previous paragraph I should have said Star Wars is mostly better because for all the faults Episode 1 had, Episode 2 decided to blow it out of the water. The saving grace of Episode 1 was the sweet looking pod racing scenes. Episode 2 just showed us that Hayden Christensen can't act and that dialogue can be very awkward in a galaxy far far away.

7. Iron Man 2: Iron Man was pretty much the perfect Superhero flick. Brilliant story, perfect casting, amazing direction, it was almost without flaw then we got Iron Man 2 which really isn't as bad as people say it is but in the end when you compare the 2 films it's not even close and because of that Iron Man 2 winds up seventh on the list.

6. Saw II: Okay so this is similar to Star Wars Episode 2 in the sense that the first wasn't particularly good, but at least it was original, by the time they got around to making a sequel which was about 10 seconds after Saw came out they decided they would just do the same thing again, and just like that the originality was gone and I vowed to never watch another Saw movie.

5. Piranha 3DD: The Piranha remake in 3D had some really clever tongue-in-cheek moments, unfortunately the sequel traded in that cleverness for boobs, boobs and more boobs. It was an insult to the genre and even more insulting to us moviegoers. There wasn't a single funny joke or a single scary moment.

4. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen: The whit of the first film had worn off and we were just stuck with Michael Bay's directing... But hey! At least it's not Transformers 3? Right? Riiiiiight?

3. Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay: Harold and Kumar brought the laughs as they searched for a White Castle, but stick them in jail and it's just awful. This was clearly just a cash grab with no real story just a bunch of high writers deciding that they can do a lot of dick jokes in jail/ on the run plus it'll be funny because they're foreign... Just no writers... No. But on the plus side they did redeem themselves with the Christmas movie.

2. The X-Files: I Want To Believe: The first movie was great, it was an hour and a half episode of the X-Files when Mulder and Skully were at the top of their game in exploring all that was in the universe, otherworldly, supernatural and everything in between. The first film and the series was daring. So why not make a sequel? Give the fans some nostalgia... But abandon everything good about the X-Files and throw Xzibit in for good measure. The result was an incomprehensible mess that was no more X-Files then any other generic cop tale.

1. Son Of The Mask: Jamie Kennedy barely had a career after the cancellation of the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, and this awful sequel didn't help the cause. In fact it crippled him so much the only movie he was offered afterwards was the equally awful Kickin' It Old School. Essentially the premise is that Jamie Kennedy puts the mask on while impregnating his wife, the baby comes out as a half-mask hybrid. Terrible hi-jinx ensues... Assuming you haven't smashed the DVD by then that is.

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