Monday 7 April 2014

Special: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review

First off I'd like to congratulate 2 Broke Girls for upsetting Arrow in the finals of my "What TV Show should I watch next" bracket by a final vote of 23 - 21. I came down to the wire but it proves the old adage that boobs always overcome brawn... Now onto the matter at hand, let's talk Captain America.

The sequel to 2011's "The First Avenger" was billed as a must see Marvel event. It was believed to be the first true sequel to The Avengers, yes I realize Thor 2 came first but that only made passing mention of the events that unfolded in The Avengers meanwhile in Captain America: The Winter Soldier we see the reaction that the world, and most notably SHIELD had to Loki's actions in New York.

The plot is essentially Cap, Black Widow and friends versus SHIELD. Upon taking out a gang of pirates that took over a SHIELD boat. Cap is feeling uneasy since he caught Black Widow carrying out a separate mission for Nick Fury than what he was given. When approached Fury simply said it was compartmentalization, certain things he needed to know, other things he didn't. When pressed Fury shows Cap "Project Insight" a set of 3 helicarriers loaded to the nines with weapons that are able to neutralize threats before they happen. This of course doesn't sit well with Captain "Truth, Justice and The American Way" America (I know that's a Superman thing, but it works here so just shhh)

To avoid any spoilers I'll just say after a series of events Cap realizes that him and Nick Fury want the same thing but SHIELD has been infiltrated by a number of HYDRA agents, a terrorist organization that wants nothing more than the world to surrender their freedom... Which obviously angers Cap but not knowing who to trust he turns to Black Widow and a new friend fresh out of the war in Sam Wilson (Codename: The Falcon). Together they must take down SHIELD and HYDRA.

So what were my thoughts? Well it certainly changes the status quo of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's for sure... Not to mention their tie-in TV series. It was a complete departure from the other Marvel movies that focus on grandiose action sequences and slick battle choreography (don't worry there was still lots of these) but unlike The Avengers or Thor, Captain America 3 plays out like a political thriller... This is just as much Argo as it was Iron Man. Chris Evans is constantly left running from the big bad organization with no one to trust.

The fight scenes are believable and well choreographed while Cap and Widow have tremendous on screen chemistry as they unite for a common goal, and newcomer Anthony Mackie (The Falcon) shows that he's not afraid to tangle with the big boys as he easily holds his own even when facing off with acting vets Sam Jackson and Robert Redford.

The plot moved along in a quick, precise manner in order to keep the story moving in a linear fashion and keeping your mind from wondering too far. I can officially say this as well, you don't have to see the first movie or even The Avengers (though at this point, who hasn't actually seen the latter) to follow. There's little mentions here and there of past films including some flashbacks of our Winter Soldier interacting with Cap in the first film, but nothing that hangs up the plot line. Sure, you won't feel nearly as bad for Cap when he's fighting The Winter Soldier without knowing their back story, but you can easily just move on and enjoy the shield throwing explosiveness.

Overall Captain America: The Winter Soldier continues Marvel's impressive universe building as it is my opinion the best entry not called "The Avengers" since the debut of the universe all the way back in Iron Man. I give it 5 Star Spangled Banners out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Good review Donny. Makes me happy to know that we can truly depend on Marvel to give us quality, exceptional superhero movies.
